Frank Savage

Frank Savage / Writings


13 September 2017



He acted according to his nature. Tuned in, fell back and acted.

Love life, seeking death. Goes for the both of us

Bought a rope today. Symbol of a journey to come.

(He who knew but didn’t act in time a.k.a If June awakens)

How did we fall apart like this? Like two giants made of granite

Don't dwell on it, move on. You over there, me here

Wanting more, hypocondria hindering your moves bro

Scared and not ready to be handled the way we handle things, in my world

Do not hold back because you come from nothing

I kill you as easily, as you kill me, having no problem with that

Be the fag, be the dog. Fear fear, stand up to it, let it destroy you

I like my Backpack, my pair of shoes, my pass that enables me to move away and out.

Away is where the greatest ambitions lays in waiting, so stay foolish.

Meager standards, as a Ocean that never stormed, that never rocked, it’s not who we are

Discover the secrets of secrets

I am constantly blinking my eye towards truth, failed to be the only reality

He who once were but is no more


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